The Skipping Rope: Torture Device for Athletes or Tool for Conditioning?

Das Springseil: Foltergerät für Athleten oder Tool für Kondition?

Hannes Beyer |

Why a skipping rope is useful:
Using a skipping rope can improve fitness, posture and endurance, right?
Whether double, triple or quattro-under, each of us has failed at some point or another in a more or less complex movement that involves jumping. But why is that? How exactly can we work towards having our head and legs doing what we want at the same time? And can't you just do without a skipping rope because it's just annoying?
All these questions are burning on your soul and the wodmagazin team is trying to bring light into the darkness with this article!

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Coordinative requirements

What brings the plus first is the jump itself. Depending on what a jump is aimed at, it can run at a wide variety of angles. While box jumps require you to rely on gaining altitude quickly and effectively, burpee broad jumps need to provide distance forward. So your body has to react flexibly, depending on what the WOD demands. In order for your body to know how to react, you also have to learn pacing when jumping. For this, skipping ropes are our number one tool. With skipping ropes you develop a feeling for how much strength you need for an effective jump. By rotating your shoulders, arms, and wrists, you also learn to keep the rest of your body still during the jump while your legs do the work. For you, this means that through skipping ropes you learn not only to use your body as a whole, but also to use it in isolation without losing your balance. You use it to coordinate effort, volume of work, and develop a carry that saves you bloody shins on box jumps.

Muscular requirements:

Rope skipping puts a lot more strain on your muscles than you may have realized until now. While it's clear that the jump itself primarily engages the calves and hamstrings, there are many more muscle groups that contribute to success. Shoulders, core, lower back and the entire arm ensure stable rotation of the rope. If you use a heavy rope instead of a normal cable, the load will be higher overall. Not only do you increase your endurance, which is required over long intervals on the skipping rope, but your basic strength also increases. So a skipping rope helps every athlete, even if we hate to admit it.

Boosts for other exercises:

Accessory Work: Hated by everyone, adored in the long run. But if we recall the muscles for the "jump rope jump" again, then you realize how helpful jumping ropes are. More muscle in the area of ​​​​bounce is not just bounce. It can also be converted into explosive power. What does that mean for you?

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Workout Aid Skipping Rope:

Let's imagine your workout consists of sled pushes, rope climbs and push presses. What exactly can you do to prepare for it? Aside from an effective warm-up, a jump rope helps here. It helps you to increase the thrust for the rope climb. Experienced athletes jump to the rope at competitions to cover less distance with arm strength. In addition, unless they are legless rope climbs, height is gained by "climbing into the rope". The power for this comes from the calves.

Sled pushes made easy:

With a sled push, as the name suggests, you push a weight forward on level ground. To put it simply, you run against something with resistance from the front. However, as you push the sled in front of you during the workout, your shoulders and arms also need to be stable to hold the pressure coming from your legs. Ropes like those from RPM or Picsil are lightly mounted, so they ensure the rope rotates quickly. This puts a lot of strain on the shoulders via the wrists. And as we all know, shoulders that are resilient in endurance are also resilient when it comes to static thrust.

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Push the feeling on:

A push press involves moving a weight over your head. Regardless of whether you use a kettlebell, barbell or dumbbell, over time the overhead balance and the movement itself becomes a strain on the core, back, shoulders and legs. If you think back now, you will remember that exactly these muscles are at least indirectly used when you use a skipping rope. So the skipping rope, as disgusting as it is to use, is the basic tool for everything that will later be fun. Whether it's more endurance for running and rowing intervals, more bounce in box jumps or climbing movements, more stability in ballistic exercises with kettlebells or simply to give the circulation the rest in between: skipping ropes help at every corner, even if they push you to the edge bring despair.

RPM and Picsil skipping ropes:

The right skipping rope determines the success of the workout. If you struggle with a rubber cable, you put more strain on it, but you won't make any progress. If the bearings in the grips don't run smoothly, you lose the rhythm of jumping and lose valuable seconds. In the Wodstore, however, we have the RPM Speed ​​Ropes and the Picsil Bee and Anna Ropes ready for you. Due to the light construction and the high build quality, the movement pattern of the jump rope gets into your head faster because you don't have to concentrate on anything but the jumping. Less stress in the workout means that your head is free for what really demands something from you.

How are you? Are jumping ropes more of a necessary evil or are they one of your favorite tortures? Let us know in the comments!

wodstore wodmagazin PicSil skipping rope Anna Rope wodstore wodmagazin RPM Speed ​​Rope 4

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