Sleep: The miracle weapon for a successful workout

Schlaf: Die Wunderwaffe für ein gelungenes Workout

Nils Bodendiek |

At work, we drag ourselves from call to call, from meeting to meeting. Finally, the clock strikes five, brogues are traded for Metcons, the blazer gives way to the Lift Heavy crop top. But because of the bags under our eyes we fall over the barbell and tear our shins three times more with box jumps than absolutely necessary. Overall, the sport is not even running mediocre, but is on the verge of total failure. But why is that? Alcohol wasn't an issue, the stress level was normal.

But the sleep wasn't enough. Sleep is our body's charging cable, our recharge. Here we explain why sleep not only makes you more relaxed, but is also essential for performance and a balanced life:

The optimal amount of sleep for athletes

Even if every person functions differently and the needs of the body are always within an individual spectrum, there are also certain threshold values ​​for regeneration and sleep: Basically, 8 hours of sleep is optimal. But don't get nervous if you deviate from it. Some athletes do better with 7 hours of sleep, some only get out of bed really well after 9 hours.
The guideline is to listen to your inner clock and your gut feeling: If you are exhausted or full of adrenaline after a short night, the regeneration phase or the amount of deep sleep was simply not enough. Tracking tools can help to monitor “sleep performance” like a training diary.

Only by getting enough sleep can we get through the next day fully charged. So if you want to do better in a workout, you don't just have to set muscle stimuli: Only relaxation brings true success and allows regeneration.

The perfect lying position

Recent findings in physiotherapy and orthopedics say: The next position is the best position. Anyone who sits at a desk a lot in everyday life will notice the classic pull after a long, constant curvature of the spine. Humans have to turn around, even when they are asleep. A place to sleep that doesn’t allow us to move is simply not right for us. Functional sleeping is the magic word. The mattress must not press and at the same time should not let us sink in, so that our spine is forced into an ever-deeper trough over the course of the night. At the same time, the pillow must support our neck in any position without twisting it.

Blackroll Recovery Pillow pillow better sleep

Our tip at this point: The Blackroll Recovery Pillow . Created from the finest memory foam, with an ergonomic fit that is just as suitable for back sleepers as it is for those nightly twists and turns. Sustainably manufactured, Made in Germany, washable. Blackroll has once again proven itself as a manufacturer of recovery tools of the highest quality. The Recovery Pillow turns an AMRAP of regeneration into a sleep 'till death in a compressed 6 hours.

Habits for regeneration

"People are creatures of habit." "Good things come to those who wait." "The squirrel feeds slowly." What sounds like a meaningless calendar saying has a core of truth. Our body and its biorhythm are just as responsible for being able to rest properly at the right time as external stress and nutrition. Sleep isn't something you just summon. But when tiredness sets in, it wants to be served.

So how do we set healthy benchmarks to slow down heart rate and external influences?
First: Step away from social media. As sorry as we are, Instagram and co don't help to relieve your head. An hour or two before the start of our night, everything that is digital should be over.

Second: nutrition. What is already a huge battlefield in itself is even more important for regeneration. Since nutritional science is beyond the scope and can only be explained in a sub-complex way in such guides, we limit ourselves to a few rules:

Difficult-to-digest foods are not advisable before going to bed. After all, the intestinal tract still has to work, although our organism should actually be drifting full throttle towards standby. Caffeine should also be avoided. What drives us in the workout and fuels the inner rocket is the absolute boss of any regularity when it comes to nighttime rest.

Third: Breath is all you need - sleep is not a competition
Even if in the evening an incredible number of things still seem unfinished: what is not done just before going to bed is still waiting for us tomorrow. Spread over the day we are burdened with a decent workload of influences. Setting a deadline after which we don't "necessarily have to do anything" anymore helps to establish the sleep rhythm. After a while, tiredness comes on its own. It must be supported by a certain regularity.

So let's recap:

It comes down to three things (although the list of factors is much longer):
The amount of sleep : If we already have the feeling that we are not getting enough sleep, then we should give in to it. The body communicates its needs to us. We are only required to satisfy these needs.

The sleeping position : Ergonomic aids such as the Blackroll Recovery Pillow reduce the need to compensate for pressure pain at night that may be caused by an inadequate lying position. In this way, the regeneration depth is fully utilized. So we sleep “better and more efficiently”.

Reduction of external influences : When it comes to sleep, the rest of the day is confidential. To be successful in life, in sports and everywhere else, rest is essential. Let's take time to do nothing and consciously switch off the world for 7-9 hours a day.

What was your experience? how much sleep do you need Feel free to share your experiences with us in the comments.

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