Last minute Christmas gifts for athletes: The wodstore helps!

Last Minute Weihnachtsgeschenke für Sportler: Der wodstore hilft!

Hannes Beyer |

Every year we get the same struggle. A few days before the consumer festival and festival of love par excellence (depending on your attitude), we suddenly remember that something is missing. The small and large attentions with which we make our environment happy are still not worried. The inner cities are cold, rainy and overcrowded, the Christmas music in the shops triggers stress in you. At the same time, you want to make an effort against all odds. At least the gifts for your inner circle should please and not degenerate into the third gift voucher in a row.

As a sporty person, it also happens that many in your environment are also addicted to fitness and the Iron Bug has been up to mischief for quite some time. So what Christmas presents go quickly, help in training, please and don't result in the thirty-seventh cheap shaker with whey samples? In the following, the wodstore provides you with a list of gift ideas for every budget to anticipate the fit New Year's resolutions.

Lift Heavy Socks

The Lift Heavy Crew Socks are the ideal accessory for any gift. The reasons for this are diverse. First of all, everyone needs socks. In most cases it is simply not easy to walk with bare feet. At the same time, they serve as a style enhancement. In the form of the simple logo on the side, you or your recipient will wear fitness as a message on your ankles from now on. So you don't always have to be in the gym to feel strong at the same time. Is that, what? Even if socks are otherwise the cliché gift par excellence for the eternally unimaginative and the always uncreative: In our opinion, the cliché should be locked away and socks raised to new fame. (Epic enough to convince you?)

Wrist bands, tapes and grips: Grip power next to goose and Christmas tree

Small items for the gym bag are always useful. It doesn't matter whether it 's resistance bands for an effective warm-up, grips for a better grip on any bar or hook grip tape for finger protection when weightlifting. The following applies to gifts and to the gift itself; it's always about the little things in life. Also, the size of the gift doesn't make the love that went into it. It is better to give useful and small things than bulky, huge standing trunks!

Kettlebells: doorstops with added value

Even if fitness equipment often gathers dust in an unused corner of the apartment or house after the initial euphoria: For some of us, a free training tool can awaken new interests. Own equipment can help, especially for those of us who don't dare to go to a gym or a box at the beginning of a new year. In this way, a new movement can be tested in peace and quiet until the skills are shown in the class after a few weeks. So if one of your fellow human beings just needs a little nudge to shed the winter pounds or add a few inches of arm circumference, now you know what to do! Kettlebells are ideal because they can be used both statically and dynamically. Fat burning and muscle building go hand in hand. Willpower and maximum power in one!

Snacks: The reward for the winter mass phase

Each of us has to eat. In this respect, not much needs to be explained here. Protein bars are the family bag of chips for athletes, Fit Drinks are the after-work beer. Nutritious, small sins make a healthy diet really appealing. Hit it, you and the others are full

Backpacks packed with seven things...
If the present is supposed to be bigger, our Lift Heavy Backpack scores with plenty of storage space and is a stable everyday helper. From training clothes to shakers and knee bandages, there is space for everything that accumulates over the course of a training career. At the same time, it also serves you in everyday office life or on a family trip over the weekend.
Pro tip: If you pack your backpack full of the little things that have already been mentioned, you get a gift within a gift, like a fit matryoshka!

Whey a minute

Whey protein is the supplement most likely to be needed. Protein is needed to build muscle. While your general daily calorie needs must also be met, without protein it's hard to do more weight on the body and more weight on the barbell. So it makes sense that a good portion of nutrients will end up under the Christmas tree this year. However, whey does not always have to be used. All vegan and/or environmentally conscious athletes can use hemp protein from Hempcrew at least as effectively. Protein powder is affordable, adds value in terms of nutrition and, in addition to muscle growth, can also be used as a snack in between meals to satisfy hunger pangs. A gift that brings benefit is perfect, isn't it?

Weightlifting Belts: Crush your New Years Celebration

Admittedly, this point sounds a bit crazy. But without leaving our comfort zone, we don't gain any experience. A weightlifting belt can be both simple and dazzling in design. It not only supports your lower back to move heavier loads in the workout. It also boosts your self-confidence. The newly gained strength can be expressed in the design of the belt. Our shop also has a little black dress in the form of a belt.

Of course, this article is full of references to our products. But maybe he still helps with inspiration in the famous last minute. For all of you celebrating this festival, wodstore wishes you a Merry Christmas . For everyone else: Enjoy the long weekend and have a good time!

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