Flow Gun - massage gun as a game changer

Flow Gun – Massagepistole als Gamechanger

Katharina Isele |

Take your recovery to the next level!

Servus and hello,

welcome to a new blog post from me. Today I'll tell you something about my personal game changer: the Flow MINI massage gun from Flow Sports Technology .

I have owned this ingenious device since November 2019. I already knew the massage guns from other athletes on Instagram. I've always thought to myself: "That's definitely cool, but is it worth it?" And I tell you: Yes, it's worth it. A lot.

I used the Flow Gun for the first time at a two-day functional fitness competition. I already used the massage gun on the train on the outward journey. Of course, I received a few strange looks for this, because my train passengers naturally did not know such a device. But the first time I used it, I quickly noticed how good this gun is and how quickly and easily tension is released.

What is a massage gun?

Visually, the device is reminiscent of a cordless screwdriver or for the ladies a hair dryer, hahah. With a massage gun you can relieve tension, loosen your muscles and relieve or even prevent sore muscles. Consequently, it helps you enormously in regeneration. With up to 3,000 beats per minute, the Flow MINI increases blood circulation, reducing lactic acid formation and regenerating tense muscles.

However, the gun is not only used in the functional fitness area. It is used in all kinds of sports and even physiotherapists work with massage guns.

Why, when and how I use the Flow Gun

The Flow MINI was delivered in a transport bag. The charger and various attachments, so-called flow heads, are included in the package. You push a flowhead into the gun and you're ready to go.

Operation is super easy. The four modes Relax, Refresh, Recharge and Flow Wave can be cycled through at the touch of a button until you have reached your desired performance level. I mostly use the Flowhead Fork and the Relax level .

I come home from my 2nd training session in the evening, eat dinner and take a shower. I spread out my yoga mat on the floor, put my phone on flight mode and turn on ROMWOD on my laptop. During and after the mobility unit, I use the massage gun and massage all the muscles that have been strained during training. Trigger points and tension are treated and I often notice how the pressure is released. The gun is really a blessing, especially after heavy weightlifting or strenuous running sessions. I love massaging my heels, especially after sprint sessions.

The Flow MINI is one of my daily things that I use for my recovery. For example, you can use the gun during your training, between sets, if something pinches you. Or as a warm-up, to relax the muscles for training and to intensify the warm-up. You can always use the massage gun. Even in the office since it's so quiet.

I personally find it more comfortable to massage myself with a gun at the end of a workout than to roll out with a roller. Of course, the well-known roll-out after training also has its advantages. But to be honest, I don't want to exert myself after a workout. Therefore Flow Gun an and find my flow.

We even have a flow gun in our gym that all members can use. And this is also used diligently. Massaging your muscles after a tough workout feels incredibly good.

Of course, the Flow Gun is also used in competitions. Here I like to use the gun to intensify the warm-up and of course directly after the workout. The muscles that have been stressed are immediately massaged to prevent sore muscles and relieve tension directly. It feels like I'm recovering faster and that's very important in a functional fitness competition when you're doing hard workouts every 90 minutes.

The Flow Gun definitely helps me with recovery and releases tension and trigger points. And I can heartily recommend it to you.

I hope the article has helped you and you can soon start your next training session with Flow Gun well rested.

your buddies


Mir hat der Artikel auf jeden Fall gefallen. Wir haben die Flow Mini ebenfalls ausprobiert und können euren Eindruck nur bestätigen : ) hier ist unser Bericht: https://relax-experten.de/2020/08/24/flow-mini-massagepistole-dauertest/

Michel Tank,

Haben uns nach langem überlegen auch eine geholt. Die Qualität und vor allem die geringe Lautstärke sprechen für sich. Ausrollen ist cool, ausflown ist cooler! :p


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