The History of the Kettlebell

Die Historie der Kettlebell

Hannes Beyer |

Hardly any training device has caused such a stir in the modern world of fitness as the kettlebell. She's pretty inconspicuous though. A handle, a ball, depending on the design, a color marking or an embossing to indicate the respective weight. The steel is hard, gets heavy over time and has some pitfalls in the workout itself. But where does the bullet come from that is driving so many of us to the brink of collapse when the WOD full of American swings and double cleans once again demands everything from us? The Wodstore brings light into the darkness and provides you with facts about the German kettlebell scene, about its history and about its poisonous curves themselves.

Where did the kettlebell come from?

In the beginning there was agriculture:

Although the name kettlebell comes from English, the kettlebell has its origins in ancient Russia. But the translation also provides information about their earlier use: the round weights, as they were called in the vernacular, were originally used to weigh grain and were used in agriculture. The balls with a handle served as a standard weight and thus determined the pack and sack sizes that the farmers had to use or sell at the market. As with many things related to functional fitness, this was misappropriation in its purest form. Make the best of what little you have. A philosophy that is also suitable for the rest of life, right?

Establishment of the sport:

The actual Girevoy sport, i.e. the use of kettlebells for competitions, dates back to the 19th to early 20th centuries. The focus for today's clean and jerk, which serves as the basic discipline for the kettlebell marathon, was on military sport. In Russia, in German gymnastics clubs and especially in the GDR, soldiers and competitive athletes juggled, threw and held the balls to build up strength endurance. The advantages that applied to military sport at the time are still being carried over today. For MMA fighters, wrestlers, soldiers and of course you as a fitness enthusiast, the kettlebell has become a kind of supreme workout discipline.

However, the long cycle, i.e. the clean and jerk in competition, is also spread from another side: muscle men in the circus have put on shows with the round weights and have become ambassadors for the kettlebell in their capacity as traveling company. At the latest, this part of today's sport became accessible to the rest of the world.

Modern Kettlebell with Pavel Tsatsouline:

Not surprisingly, someone who knows how the bullet flies comes from the Soviet Union. Tsatsouline is over 50 and yet looks like it was carved in stone and dreamed up by the ancient Greeks. The reason? His life is dedicated to the kettlebell. As a studied sports scientist from Minsk, he has both the scientific and the empirical background that is necessary to drill others. Through workshops, books and his own workout program, he teaches everyday athletes like you and us, but also special forces around the world, how to use the kettlebell. The coaching culture based on this follows scalable and measurable standards. That's why it's perfect for preparing for a competition and making progress where you can't go on your own.

The German figureheads of sport:

Straight outta Berlin: Johannes Kwella

If you've ever been around the Berlin boxing area or were looking for German-language inspiration for your home gym, then you've definitely come across the name Johannes Kwella. As the author of "The Power of the Kettlebell" he has created a kind of bible that provides beginners and professionals alike with input that cannot be measured in money. He conveys plans to increase strength and endurance, gives tips on integrating sport into everyday family life and, as if it weren't enough work, he's a father of several people, a self-employed trainer and simply a good person. A man who is as strong as you are after your first long cycle with two 32kg balls.

The inconspicuous Guru:Bear by Schilling

The one who preaches knowledge. The multiple German champion, nutrition trainer, speaker of the DFLV, certified sports scientist and passionate athlete Bär von Schilling hardly needs any more words to summarize his expertise. Bär digital provides you with education in the field of kettlebells via YouTube and Instagram, conducts seminars and coaches in central and western Germany. Is your shoulder not holding up the snatch? Does your grip open way too quickly during the farmer's walk and your lungs get tired too quickly? If you follow Bär von Schilling's tips, you'll improve your performance almost on the run.

Change in kettlebell over time:

As you should be aware by now, the kettlebell has undergone a few transformations. So it is not surprising that the design can also vary depending on the brand and concept. Although competition kettlebells are standardized in terms of shape, color and format, other variants are also on the rise.

Someone who promotes changes in a meaningful way: The Russian Johann Martin is a trainer for heavy athletics and maintains close ties with the Hamburg Kettlebell Club. The Johann Martin Kettlebell emerged from discussions with the members there and decades of sweaty workouts. The grip is largely the same in relation to the Competition kettlebell, however the body does not follow the same cast. The body of the Martinkugel is flattened on the sides and appears egg-shaped. This should ensure that the ball is fixed more flatly in the wrist and forearm than in a purely round design.

How do you recognize high-quality kettlebells?

Kettlebells may seem simple, but they are not only complex in terms of handling. The Kettlebell is prone to material defects, uneven casting and peeling exterior paint. At the same time, it's important that what's actually on the inside is what's on the inside. In plain language: You have to weigh as much as is stamped or printed on the kettlebell. We'll give you a few points that are essential for a quick check of your order:
1. Get the scales out of the closet! Cheaply produced kettlebells often deviate by several hundred grams from the value actually purchased. This doesn't bother you in your home gym, but at the latest at the next competition you will experience a nasty surprise if you have to lift more than you are used to.

2. Uniform processing: The dumbbells based on Russian tradition must be produced affordably. But it becomes dangerous for you, especially with concise weld seams on the handle or a non-uniformly flattened base on the lower part of the ball. Always remember: movements with the kettlebell are based on the fact that they become exhausting through momentum. So if the grip is shaky or too rough, if the ball is not positioned properly, or if the edges are still sharp, there is potential for injury. Nothing is worse than losing grip strength from cuts or abrasions.

3. Areas of use of the goods: Functional fitness is a competitive sport, as is kettlebell sport. So if you have serious ambitions to measure yourself against others, there is only one thing to do: train with the equipment that you can potentially expect in a workout in front of an audience. Even slight changes in the design of your weights make you feel insecure at first. Safety breeds performance, so stay safe!

One manufacturer that scores well on price and performance, that has competitive appeal around the world, and that adheres to high-quality guidelines in its production is Suprfit . The Pro Competition Kettlebells in particular get you up to speed exactly where you need it most!

How are you? Is the kettlebell your favorite or a hate object gathering dust in the corner of your box? Have you ever tried a Johann Martin Kettlebell to keep the injuries as small as possible during a long cycle? We look forward to a comment from you!

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