Whey are you waiting? The basis of all supplements!

Whey are you waiting? Die Basis aller Supplements!

Hannes Beyer |

Nutrition is what leads us to success. If you eat pizza, fries, and pie every day, you're bound to always have a full stomach. It is true that this is what is important in the first place, but it is by far not everything. A healthy, balanced diet that focuses on the right amounts of carbohydrates, fats and proteins separates the wheat from the chaff.

But how exactly should it be possible for you to pay attention to all this day in and day out? You give full throttle in training, your family needs you immediately after work until the next start of the day, you should also get enough sleep... Sometimes a life that you want to lead as stress-free as possible causes stress for exactly that reason. You create barriers by wanting to clear barriers out of the way. Supplements like whey protein promise to cover a large portion of your protein needs on the fly. But when exactly supplements like whey make sense and until when you can do without them, you will find out in this article!

What is whey protein made of?

The explanation of the term whey is made relatively quickly. As so often, it comes from English and simply corresponds to the English "whey". But how whey is created is not explained in a jiffy. The beginning of the whey is in the milk. In this case we are talking explicitly about cow's milk, plant-based milk has a different nutrient density and does not result in whey in the form used for whey protein .

Whey as a valuable by-product:

Whey is a separation product, which means that it is produced during the processing of milk, especially often with cheese or quark. Incidentally, this is also the reason why many athletes who are active in bodybuilding or in general competitive sports first resort to low-fat quark. It corresponds to whey in many parts. The co-product whey contains large amounts of milk protein, casein. Fats and carbohydrates are almost non-existent and have been released. Depending on the origin of the whey, a distinction is made between sweet whey, which is produced in cheese production, and sour whey, which is skimmed off from quark.

High quality of nutrients through controls:

If you are worried that whey is not subject to high standards in terms of quality and purity, then we can clearly give the all-clear at this point: Firstly, products that come onto the German market are subject to strict controls in terms of food cleanliness and manufacturing chains, but secondly, they are Even in the factories where the whey is skimmed off and dried, hygiene and fast processing are strictly enforced. This can only be explained by the fact that all processes, from the farm to the factories, including logistics, must run smoothly. Otherwise there will be problems. And these problems are far more serious than the extra effort that goes into food inspections. So you can drink your shake without any worries, whether with milk or water.

For whom is a whey shake worthwhile?

Whey are you waiting The basis of all supplements protein powder Multipower Shagel Butt
How Much Protein Do Humans Need? How much protein does an athlete need? This question is hard, easy, and impossible to answer (together!). Everyone is differently active, differently heavy and metabolizes individually. Therefore, you should always listen to yourself and your body instead of just relying on guidelines. As a rough rule of thumb, 1 gram of protein is sufficient per day, per kilogram of body weight and with normal activity. But since we move in functional fitness, so you regularly work out and give everything that is in your body, it can be a bit more. If you are guided by 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, you are not doing anything wrong.

Meals are crucial:

So if you have calculated your approximate target and notice that your everyday diet still leaves room for more protein, then whey comes into play. With a Multipower Shake, which we use as a reference, you get 24 grams of pure protein for a 30 gram serving. We recommend a whey shake whenever you're on the go or when you need a quick post-workout snack that doesn't require much prep. In this way, you get energy back quickly, supply your body with valuable amino acids for regeneration and muscle building and also eat healthy.

At the same time, you can also integrate Multipower Whey into your cooking and baking units. A Scoop Rich Chocolate Protein turns generic porridge into a delicious breakfast full of carbs and protein. This allows you to start the day full of power without having to stand in the kitchen for long and without almost crawling back into bed after your third coffee.

But whey, there is more:

Whey are you waiting The basis of all supplements protein powder Multipower rice pudding cinnamon
Proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be mixed. Vegan protein provides roughly the same amount of protein but is plant-based. In order to regularly supply your body with new, complex nutrients, we recommend that you also mix vegan protein into your diet. Short-chain carbohydrates must alternate with long-chain carbohydrates from oatmeal and the like. It is therefore important that you find your own personal path and your own needs. We can only give you incentives.

Which whey button is your favorite? Are you more Team Coffee Caramel or on the side of rice pudding cinnamon ? Let's start a taste comparison in the comments!

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