Nocco-Can you get fitter with drinks?

Nocco-Kann man über Drinks fitter werden?

Hannes Beyer |

The market for supplements is regularly flooded with innovations and new performance products. Athletes like you are regularly spoiled for choice in the shopping cart and at the supermarket checkout as to which booster and which protein powder is actually the right one. But some products have been asserting themselves for years and have always been at the forefront in terms of sales figures and reviews since they were launched. An example of this is Nocco, a Swedish brand that produces caffeinated drinks that are admired by many companies for their unrivaled taste. But what is behind the brand, which athletes are the focus and how much can the nutritional values ​​increase your intake of healthy substances? The wodstore has probed and brought you closer to a brand that you have certainly toyed with at one time or another!

History and values ​​of Nocco

Founded in Sweden, Nocco represents a counterweight to other brands that have their origins in the fitness capitals of the USA. Well-known manufacturers such as Bang Energy, which gained rank and name through the YouTube boom in the fitness industry from 2012-2015, already had the market firmly under control. But Nocco positioned itself differently, fixed a different target group and served sports that, then and now, have not yet fully landed in the mainstream. From powerbuilding to weightlifting, from Hyrox and functional fitness to strongman, Nocco was present everywhere, for example entering the rather small Swiss market in 2017. In an interview with Proudmag , Anna Aggeryd, Marketing Manager, said that Nocco is above all about community. A similar feeling has also spread in the wodstore team.

Community is key:

Both we and Nocco always and constantly try not to see customers, but rather members with the same interests. What defines us all is primarily a sporting passion that regularly breaks ground. Only then does the core of the brand come into play. This is exactly why the Nocco Germany team includes full-time athletes like Max Lang alongside box owners and competition crushers like Lidia Barto and Joshua Wichtrup. A company positions itself in such an inclusive way that, despite the fact that it's about drinks, people and athletes are suddenly in the foreground. Thumbs up!

Minerals and Protein: Everything That Matters!

At this moment, maybe take a moment and think about what a performance drink must be able to do for you and, above all, what should be avoided in the recipe. This gut feeling can be transferred equally to nutrition and workouts. After all, you don't do parallel bars if your wrist literally gave out a few days ago and is no longer usable. So why bother with Nocco or any other drink if you don't know what's actually in it?

Steer clear of too much industry:

As a rule of thumb, the more connecting substances, stabilizers and co, the more dangerous the mixture that is supposed to go into your digestion. Natural active ingredients are the alpha and omega, because otherwise you will cause exponentially more damage than you can cushion with "healthy" drinks. However, it is also a fact that Nocco, FitAid etc. don't even claim to replace water and tea. They are simply stimulants with a bonus for athletes and gym goers. In other words, Nocco is water with extras that is close to the target group.

Quality with evidence:

However, Nocco himself delivers. In addition to the use of standard vitamins such as vitamin B6 and B12, biotin is also used, which makes a direct contribution to a healthy metabolism. Smaller amounts of vitamin D and folate found in green vegetables complete the immune cocktail with caffeine.
Conclusion: test Nocco or not?
When it comes to premixed boosters, sports drinks or performance enhancers, Nocco is definitely not established for nothing. They deliver results, both in terms of ingredients and taste, that are otherwise rarely found on the German-speaking market. In relation to this, we at wodstore can say very clearly that we stand behind Nocco as a brand.

Now it's up to you!

As far as the taste is concerned, we cannot and do not want to give you an opinion, but want to let you convince yourself. Be it flavors that are easy to find, such as lemon and lime, or newer varieties such as “Sunny Soda”, without testing you cannot decide whether the Swedish “power cans” deserve a place in your supplement drawer. However, if you regularly use a Nocco as a booster in your box or in the home gym, please let us know your honest opinion in the comments. We look forward to the exchange!

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