The fitness league is coming up again!

Die Fitnessbundesliga steht wieder an!

Hannes Beyer |

For any functional fitness athlete, competition is what they work towards. This does not always have to be a conventional competition with other athletes. The competition can also take place in a relaxed manner in your own box, in the home gym or in your head. Some fight for the first pull-up, others for physical well-being, still others against the clock. Fitness is diverse and should remain so. For this reason, the fitness federal league was launched some time ago. The league will soon be five years old, but deadlifts, squats and snatches more than an entire kindergarten combined. We bring you facts about this year's fitness league; and a surprise that may not bring you joy...

Numbers, data, facts. The fitness stats

The league has grown. This is noticeable in the organization, the media coverage and above all: in the amount of athletes and boxes that are taking part this year. A total of 178 boxes qualified, believe it or not, 3283 athletes took part in the previous box battles. We would like to underline these numbers again. Roughly speaking, that means: A good ten boxes per federal state are in the running, a whole concert hall full of athletes did the honors. The list of Box Battles is headed by Crossfit Aorta, followed by Crossfit GenGym and third place by WYSH Fitness. But nothing is set in stone within the league.

The surprise of the wodstore:

The wodstore supports athletes of every type, shape and quality. Normally we are more responsible for clothing in the form of Lift Heavy, Grips, Chalk and Kettlebells. Today, however, we play whistleblower. We reveal a workout of the fitness league. For you, that means it's time to panic. Because then there is still air left to push aside the last-minute bastard once and for all.

The workout of the fitness league:

Within a time window of 10 minutes:
A: Find 1RM Box Jump (in cm)
B: Max effort strict pull-ups
C: Max effort 80/50kg push press
D: Max effort 120/80kg deadlift

Each event brings 50 points

take a deep breath What does that mean for you and your team? Each of you may be able to play to your strengths. Some like to lift, others prefer to jump. But the scary thing is, you don't have time to catch your breath. Once you're there, you'll have to bite while you can. Within the ten minutes, the tank is getting more and more low, your strength is leaving you. All that helps is to keep a cool head, at all costs. There's no point getting no reps. So get to know your limits beforehand, even more than in everyday life in the classes, and stick to them.

Shin killer box jumps

Especially the 1RM Box Jump has it all. Few boxes rely primarily on maximum jump height in their programming. After all, in box jumps there is only a small variety of ways to influence your jump. Here you have to adapt and stay injury-free as much as possible. After all, nothing has taken its toll like a misjudged jump onto a wooden edge.

The wodstore and the fitness league wish you good luck in the competition and a crisis-proof game plan. We are already curious to see how the promotion and relegation battle will be from October 22nd, 2022. A bad lift can be decisive, as can being in good shape on the day.

Hard work pays off, so get to work!

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